Since the beginning of our activity in 1988, ABN has scrupulously ensured compliance with Universal Human Rights. ABN supports and respects the protection of internationally recognised fundamental human rights, and there have been no breaches of these rights since the beginning of our activities.
ABN has internal mechanisms that provide for special protection of human rights in countries where the company has suppliers. For this reason, ABN:
UNHCR's"SMEs for sustainability"programme, supports projects with a sustainable impact in the areas of education and water for refugees.
As a member of this initiative, we are committed to supporting these programmes in the medium and long term and to helping the millions of refugees around the world to have a better future.
Esta iniciativa enmarcada en nuestra política de responsabilidad social corporativa colaborando activamente con los ODS 4 de educación de calidad y el ODS 6 de agua limpia y saneamiento, reforzando nuestro compromiso con los Objetivos de Desarrollo Sostenible.
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If you have any questions or need assistance, please do not hesitate to contact us.
Estrada Baños de Arteixo, 28, 15008 A Coruña. España
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