Social commitment

Since the beginning of our activity in 1988, ABN has scrupulously ensured compliance with Universal Human Rights. ABN supports and respects the protection of internationally recognised fundamental human rights, and there have been no breaches of these rights since the beginning of our activities. 

      • We support and respect the protection of human and fundamental rights.We have a code of ethics which states that all our employees or the employees of our suppliers have decent working conditions.
      •  We ensure that we are not complicit in the violation of fundamental human rights..Our code of ethics makes special mention of our suppliers, where we inform and educate them about our principles.
      • We support the eradication of child labour,identifying these risks by country and supplier.
      • We support the abolition of discriminatory practices in employment and occupation..Through our equality plan and code of ethics, where we raise awareness among our staff of non-discrimination and equality.
      • ABN is governed by the principles of the applicable collective bargaining agreements of the International Labour Organisation (ILO). The company promotes productivity and decent work, with anti-corruption and anti-bribery policies, according to the ILO.

Information on responsible sourcing

ABN has internal mechanisms that provide for special protection of human rights in countries where the company has suppliers. For this reason, ABN:

      • Annual evaluation of current and prospective suppliers to check their compliance with human rights and environmental protection risks.
      • As a result of this assessment, two suppliers located in high-risk countries, China and India, were identified in 2021.
      • Our responsible purchasing policy requires suppliers to respect ABN's human rights, health, safety, security and environmental commitments contained in our Code of Conduct and responsible practices.
      • We require all our suppliers of raw materials to meet the following requirements declaration of acquisition and we seek to ensure a supply chain that complies with all applicable laws and regulations.
      • ABN commits to take corrective measures and to ensure human rights due diligence if any significant breaches are identified.

Supplier map

SMEs for sustainability

UNHCR's"SMEs for sustainability"programme, supports projects with a sustainable impact in the areas of education and water for refugees.

      • In the field of education by providing school materials to refugee children,
      • and in the area of clean water by providing sanitation and soap in schools.

As a member of this initiative, we are committed to supporting these programmes in the medium and long term and to helping the millions of refugees around the world to have a better future.

Esta iniciativa enmarcada en nuestra política de responsabilidad social corporativa colaborando activamente con los ODS 4 de educación de calidad y el ODS 6 de agua limpia y saneamiento, reforzando nuestro compromiso con los Objetivos de Desarrollo Sostenible.

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