Cradle to Cradle Certification (C2C)

What is Cradle to Cradle certification?

Cradle to Cradle Certification (C2C) is a comprehensive solution for evaluate, optimize and verify all aspects of product design and manufacturing by assessing the safety, circularity and responsibility of products in five categories:

Materials health

Guarantee the security of materials for people and the environment.

Product circularity

Enabling a circular economy economy through the design of of regenerative products and regenerative products and processes.

Clean air & climate protection

Protect clean air, promote renewable energy renewable energies and reduce harmful emissions.

Water & soil stewardship

Water and soil protection

Social fairness

Respecting human rights and contributing to a just and equitable society

Cradle to Cradle Certification promotes product innovation for the circular economy by providing a framework for designing and manufacturing materials and products that are safe, circular and responsibly made.

It is considered preferential in public procurement programmes (USEPA, Netherlands Pianoo), awards points in the main green building certifications (LEED, BREEAM, DGNB), and is a preferential purchasing criterion for developers and builders in different countries (Google, Delta Development, Grupo Construcía).

(rgb) C2C Certified® Full Scope Gold v3.1

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The Cradle to Cradle certification process

To achieve certification of a product, companies must carry out a exhaustive analysis of the formulation, sourcing and manufacturing processes of the product through an accredited evaluation organisation.

Work is done across the entire supply chain to understand the hidden chemistry in the product.

All substances present up to a level of 100 ppm are identified. In some cases even beyond.

The environmental and social performance of products is assessed in 5 categories and assigned a level of achievement in each category.

A product is considered to be optimised when it achieves the level Gold.

The minimum level of achievement of a product in any of the five categories determines its final certification level.

Certified products are listed in the publicly available Cradle to Cradle Register of Certified Products at this link.

Category ranking obtained by ABN

Regarding the classification by categories we have obtained:

      • Materials health, the gold level rating, ensuring that all certified gamsa are fully compatible with human and environmental health and with low emissions of volatile organic compounds (VOCs), provides an independent guarantee of material health and transparency for the entire supply chain.
      • Product circularity, the gold level classification, based on their performance in the 3 scales of circularity defined by this category.
      • Clean air & climate protection, the gold level classification, achieving that in the final product manufacturing phase, 50% of the electricity purchased comes from renewable sources or is offset by renewable energy projects, and 50% of the direct on-site emissions are offset.
      • Water & soil stewardship, platinum level classification. In this case, the highest certification has been obtained by optimised water management in all manufacturing processes.
      • Social fairness, gold level classification, developing strategies to investigate the entire supply chain and carrying out an innovative social project with UNHCR.

Companies that support the programme

Companies participating
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Certified products
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National and international programmes

Grupo Construcia works permanently with C2C Certified™ products.

Healthy Materials Program by

And more Cradle to Cradle Certified™ awards.

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