ENVALORA was created with the aim of providing an answer and solution to companies that put packaging on the market, so that they can comply with the new legal obligation of Extended Producer Responsibility (EPR) that affects industrial and commercial packaging.
The chemical, plastics and construction sectors initiated in March 2022 the creation and development of the new ENVALORA Collective Extended Producer Responsibility System (SCRAP) for industrial and commercial packaging.
This section covers sustainability criteria related to employee health and safety, working conditions, social dialogue and training and professional development. It also focuses on activities that may be contrary to human rights such as child labour, human trafficking, discrimination and harassment.
ABN Pipe Systems is already part of this industry-driven project to comply with legislation and also offers:
If you want to be part of the study and definition phase of the new ENVALORA SCRAP and work together with the rest of the companies that are already members, join ENVALORA to comply with the new legislation.
If you have any questions or need assistance, please do not hesitate to contact us.
Estrada Baños de Arteixo, 28, 15008 A Coruña. España
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