Ecovadis gold level certification

At ABN we continue to innovate and promote continuous improvement. Recently, we were awarded the project, which pushed us even further into the chain of companies that seek to bring about environmental, social and economic change in the environment in which they operate. 

Now, we continue to make a difference, this time with EcoVadis certification. This is a seal that qualifies the level of sustainability of companies, including the impacts that we emit as an organisation in different areas. 

What are the categories of this certification? 

EcoVadis includes impacts from four categories:  

The aspects to be measured in this category are in operations and business products. Energy and GHG consumption, care for water and biodiversity, concern for local and accidental pollution, and the use of chemical-free materials are the criteria for measuring the operations part. On the other hand, for products, product use, product end-of-life, consumer health and safety and, finally, environmental services and advocacy will be taken into account. 

This section covers sustainability criteria related to employee health and safety, working conditions, social dialogue and training and professional development. It also focuses on activities that may be contrary to human rights such as child labour, human trafficking, discrimination and harassment. 

One of the differentiating aspects of EcoVadis with respect to previous certifications obtained is the measurement of business ethics through corruption, anti-competitive practices and responsible information management. 

The environmental and social practices of suppliers also play a role in achieving this rating.

Ecovadis Certificate

What are the categories of this certification? 

Following these four categories, we at ABN have achieved a gold level rating for our sustainability performance. The resulting overall score is 71 sobre 100 puntos. In this way, we form part of the 5% of companies that have been rated with a score of more than 65 points. In addition, among our results, nos situamos entre las primeras 1% de empresas calificadas por EcoVadis en el sector de fabricación de productos de plástico en una puntuación global. 

In short, EcoVadis monitors sustainability in global supply chains. Using innovative technology and sustainability expertise, they engage companies and help them adopt sustainable practices. Once again, ABN stresses the importance of continuously improving our sustainability policy to demonstrate that our company's core principles are aligned with sustainable development and long-term value creation. We are committed to redesigning the way we do things. We are committed to a clean, green and sustainable future.  

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