ABN Sustainable
Cradle to Cradle Certification (C2C)
Integrated solution for evaluating, optimising and verifying all aspects of product design and manufacturing.
ABN Sustainable
ABN// Zero CO2 Plan
We offset the carbon footprint of your products
ABN Sustainable
We are carbon neutral
Learn how we have offset the carbon footprint generated by our activity.
ABN Sustainable
Ecovadis gold level certification
Label rating the level of sustainability of companies, including the impacts that we emit as an organisation in different areas.

Certified processes and products

We have prestigious company and product certifications.

We offset our carbon footprint

We have offsetting 10 Tn of CO2 corresponding to our production activity.

We evaluate the LCA of our products

We hold important certifications such as the Environmental Product Declaration (EPD) and Cradle to Cradle (C2C) certification.

We provide environmental impact information

We report the CO2, water and energy consumption impacts of all our product ranges in all our documentation.

A strong environmental and sustainability commitment

Sustainability strategy

At ABN we have defined an ambitious sustainability strategy based on 3 pillars:

Manufacturing products with the lowest environmental impact
Offsetting the carbon footprint associated with our activity
Implementing a zero carbon footprint product strategy: ABN//Zero CO2 Plan


Our sustainable projects

Planta biogás Frigoríficos Bandeira La introducción de energías sostenibles y con escasa huella
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The works carried out for the recovery and transformation of
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Wallbox is a global company dedicated to changing the way we do business.
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The construction sector is increasingly taking on the
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Sustainability strategy
Our commitment to the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

We reaffirm our support for the Ten Principles of the United Nations Global Compact in the areas of Human Rights, Labour Standards, Environment and Anti-Corruption.

We have integrated the Ten Principles into our business strategy, culture and daily operations, and are working to establish indicators against the following Sustainable Development Goals.

ODS 10
Human rights
We support and respect the protection of human and fundamental rights.
Gender equality
We promote equal opportunities and non-discrimination based on gender.
We have eliminated the use of fossil fuels by replacing them with clean, renewable and rechargeable sources.
ODS 12
We promote responsible production through the efficient use of resources.
We have managed to reduce water consumption at our Medina plant by 50%.
We promote decent work for all employees.
ODS 13
We have measured and offset 100% of the emissions generated by our activity as a manufacturer.
ODS 17
We collaborate with various entities, companies and institutions, seeking strategic alliances and synergies in the development of our activity.
ABN Sustainable
We measure and offset our environmental impact.

Sustainability highlights

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