SDG 13 "Climate action".
When we talk about certificado C2C we explained to you why it is so important for ABN to obtain this type of seal. Because, as a company, we are committed to positively impact both the environment in which we operate and the environment.
That is why we continue to get involved in this type of initiative. And, this time, we have done it with the environmental indicator reflecting the total greenhouse gases (GHG) emitted by the direct or indirect effect of the organisation.. It is measured in mass of CO2 equivalent (CO2e or CO2eq), because CO2 is the most abundant gas among the GHGs and is used as a reference in the measurement of the other elements.
Calculating the footprint is straightforward: simply choose the year of calculation, establish organisational and operational boundaries, decide which areas will be included in the data collection and calculations, and identify the emission sources associated with the operations within the chosen areas. Consumption data from these operations then needs to be collected and the result is measured in three types of range:
So, from ABN, we have collected the information from the areas of production of piping systems made of thermoplastic materials, production of compound made of thermoplastic materials, as well as from the warehouse of the manufactured products, calculating the scope 1+2. The carbon footprint declared by ABN in MITECO corresponds entirely to scope 1, as scope 2 is zero (see certificate of registration).
The carbon footprint register is of voluntary character and it gathers the efforts of Spanish companies, administrations and other organisations in the calculation, reduction and offsetting of greenhouse gas emissions emissions generated by their activity. It also includes a portfolio of forestry projects through which these organisations can offset their footprint.
Al conseguir este sello, ABN contribuye al ODS 13 “Acción por el clima”, con el objetivo responsable de reducir los niveles de dióxido de carbono y otros gases de efecto invernadero en la atmósfera. La necesidad, a pesar de que estos gases se han visto reducidos alrededor de un 6% en 2020 debido a las restricciones de movimiento, es más que obvia, puesto que en 2019 se batió el récord de la emisión de CO2.
In short, this initiative is about encouraging the calculation and reduction of carbon footprint by Spanish organisations, as well as to promote projects that improve Spain's sink capacity, thus constituting itself as a a measure to combat climate change horizontal in nature.
If you have any questions or need assistance, please do not hesitate to contact us.
Estrada Baños de Arteixo, 28, 15008 A Coruña. España
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